The spread of news in the age of social media |
RISJ seminar by Jonathan Bright, research fellow, Oxford Internet Institute. |
Jonathan Bright |
8 May, 2015 |
New publishing models for a modern world: a legacy brand re-invents itself |
Reuters Institute Business and Practice of Journalism seminar by Laurie Benson, Chief Executive of Upnexxt. We apologise for the interference in this recording. |
Laurie Benson |
7 May, 2015 |
Creativity and Change in public service broadcasting - managing the tough times |
Helen Boaden (Director, Radio, BBC) gives a talk for the Reuters Institute. |
Helen Boaden |
12 March, 2015 |
Environmental journalism and sustainable development in China |
Dr Sam Geall, University of Sussex and author of China and the Environment: The Green Revolution, gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series |
Sam Geall |
26 February, 2015 |
The Future of Television News |
Richard Sambrook, Former Visiting Fellow, gives a talk on what's next for news on television. |
Richard Sambrook |
19 February, 2015 |
Innovation in News Media - a look at the latest innovations shaping the future of news |
A seminar given by Juan Señor, a former visiting fellow for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. |
Juan Seńor |
19 February, 2015 |
A little piracy can be a good thing: what the press can learn from Hollywood |
Tom Thomson will begin by giving the context on the Scottish media landscape, followed by Grant Gibson speaking about digital strategies and paywalls. |
Tom Thomson, Grant Gibson |
12 February, 2015 |
The top five dilemmas of news aggregation |
Andrew Jack, Editor at FirstFT, head of aggregation/chief curator, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series on 4th February 2015. |
Andrew Jack |
9 February, 2015 |
Reporting the Unreported |
Timothy Large, director of journalism and media training, Thomson Reuters Foundation gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series. |
Timothy Large |
27 January, 2015 |
Reporting the Unreported |
Belinda Goldsmith, editor in chief, Thomson Reuters Foundation, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series. |
Belinda Goldsmith |
27 January, 2015 |
Silicon Valley and Journalism: Make up or Break up?: Reuters Memorial Lecture 2014 |
Emily Bell, Director at the TOW Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, today delivered the Reuters Memorial Lecture 2014 for the Reuters Institute in Oxford. |
Emily Bell, Tim Gardam, Alun Rusbridger, Vivian Schiller, Madhav Chinnappa, Chris Patten |
10 December, 2014 |
Snowden and the debate on surveillance versus privacy |
Ewen MacAskill, defence and security correspondent, the Guardian, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Ewen Macaskill |
4 December, 2014 |
What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Media Perspective part two |
Alan Smith, Principal Methodologist, Data Visualisation at Office for National Statistics, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Alan Smith |
18 November, 2014 |
What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Media Perspective part one |
Claire Miller, Senior Data Journalist, Trinity Mirror Regionals, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Claire Miller |
18 November, 2014 |
What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Civil society perspective |
Aleks Collingwood, Programme Manager, Statistics and Quantitative Specialist, Joseph Rowntree Foundation gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
Aleks Collingwood |
18 November, 2014 |
What are the needs and challenges for data visualisation? - Policy/government perspective |
Chris Hemingway, Head of Analytics, Fraud, Error and Debt Programme, Cabinet Office gives part one of a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Chris Hemingway |
18 November, 2014 |
Visual journalism at the BBC - where the web meets TV |
Amanda Farnsworth, editor, Visual Journalism for the BBC, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
Amanda Farnsworth |
18 November, 2014 |
How New Media Became Now Media |
Carla Buzasi, founding editor of The Huffington Post UK, and current Global Chief Content Officer at trend forecasters WGSN gives a talk for RISJ. |
Carla Buzasi |
11 November, 2014 |
Gatekeepers no More: Public Relations gets the better of journalism in the digital age |
John Lloyd, (senior research fellow at the Reuters Institute), gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
John Lloyd |
3 November, 2014 |
How journalism faces a second wave of disruption from technology and changing audience behaviour |
Nic Newman (former Future Media Controller, BBC and RISJ Research Associate) gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Nic Newman |
3 November, 2014 |
Data visualisation and the fourth technological revolution? |
Professor Luciano Floridi, Director of Research, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Data Visualisation Conference, 20 June 2014. |
Luciano Floridi |
29 October, 2014 |
Reporting the EU: News, Media and the European Institutions launch event at ECFR |
Launch event of the Reuters Institute new report 'Reporting the EU'. |
Sara Hobolt, John Lloyd, Cristina Marconi, Hans Kundnani |
28 October, 2014 |
The Unfinished Media Revolution |
Dr Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Reuters Institute, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute |
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen |
22 October, 2014 |
From Pictures to Policy. Reporting Famine and Other Disasters |
Professor Suzanne Franks, City University London, gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series |
Suzanne Franks |
11 June, 2014 |
Syria – what chance of a free media? |
Armand Hurault, the director of public relations for the Syrian Association of Free Media (ASML - Association de Soutien aux Medias Libres) gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series |
Armand Hurault |
4 June, 2014 |
The intelligence agencies and their relations with the media |
Paul Lashmar, Brunel University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
Paul Lashmar |
21 May, 2014 |
Innovation in Legacy Media - The Challenge for Leaders |
Professor Lucy Keung, Jonkoping University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
Lucy Keung |
19 May, 2014 |
News in the digital age, and how The Economist fits in |
Tom Standage, media correspondent, The Economist, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series |
Tom Standage |
19 May, 2014 |
Post-humanitarianism: Humanitarian communication beyond a politics of pity |
Professor Lilie Chouliaraki, London School of Economics, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar series |
Lilie Chouliaraki |
14 April, 2014 |
The FT’s digital strategy |
James Lamont, Managing Editor, Financial Times, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
James Lamont |
17 March, 2014 |
Could PR be the saviour of Journalism? |
Professor Anne Gregory, Leeds Metropolitan University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute Seminar Series |
Anne Gregory |
3 March, 2014 |
How Mobile Phones are changing journalism practice in the 21st Century |
Dr Adrian Hadland, Director of Journalism, University of Stirling gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series |
Adrian Hadland |
15 February, 2014 |
Leaks, Snowden and the Guardian |
Ewen Macaskill, Diplomatic Editor, the Guardian, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series |
Ewen Macaskill |
11 February, 2014 |
Reporting Pakistan and specialist journalism |
Owen Bennett-Jones,BBC presenter and journalist, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute Semianr Series |
Owen Bennett-Jones |
3 February, 2014 |
Communicating India's Soft Power: Buddha to Bollywood |
Professor Daya Thussu, University of Westminster, London, gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series |
Daya Thusso |
3 February, 2014 |
The strengths and weaknesses of social media |
Jamie Bartlett, Director, Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, Demos, gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series |
Jamie Bartlett |
9 December, 2013 |
Framing death - how journalists report the death of public figures |
Keith Somerville, Lecturer at the School of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent, and editor of African Arguments, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series |
Keith Somerville |
4 December, 2013 |
Responsible Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data part 5 |
John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist, gives a short talk for the panel discussion on Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data |
John Micklethwait |
26 November, 2013 |
Responsible Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data part 4 |
Sylvie Kauffmann, Editorial Director, Le Monde, gives a short talk for the panel discussion on Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data |
Sylvie Kauffmann |
26 November, 2013 |
Responsible Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data part 3 |
Professor Michael Parks, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California , gives a short talk for the panel discussion on Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data |
Michael Parks |
26 November, 2013 |
Responsible Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data part 2 |
Iain Mathewson CMG, Associate Fellow, International Security, Chatham House, gives a short talk for the panel discussion on Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data |
Iain Mathewson |
26 November, 2013 |
Responsible Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data part 1 |
Chancellor of Oxford University, Lord Patten of Barnes, gives a short talk for the panel discussion on Journalism and National Security in the Age of Big Data |
Chris Patten |
26 November, 2013 |
A global standard for reporting conflict |
Jake Lynch, Associate Professor at the University of Sydney, and Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
Jake Lynch |
22 November, 2013 |
A life in a treacherous journalistic environment |
Alejandro Quesada, former director of El Comercio (in Lima), and president of the Inter-American Press Association (SIP) gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
Alejandro Quesada |
20 November, 2013 |
Future media trends and changing audience behaviour |
Nic Newman, former Future Media Controller, BBC and RISJ Research Asscociate, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute Seminar series. |
Nic Newman |
20 November, 2013 |
Political Journalism in Transition |
This seminar marks the publication of a new Reuters Institute book, Political Journalism in Transition: Western Europe in a Comparative Perspective, which provides a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the state of political journalism today. |
Raymond Kuhn, Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, John Lloyd |
14 November, 2013 |
Moscow is not Russia - reporting Russia's outback |
Ben Judah, author of 'Fragile Empire: How Russia Fell In And Out Of Love with Vladimir Putin', gives a talk for the Reuters Schoolf of Journalism seminar series. |
Ben Judah |
6 November, 2013 |
The global citizens movement and the role of independent journalists |
David Hoffman, Founder/President Emeritus, Internews gives a talk for the Reuters School of Journalism seminar series. |
David Hoffman |
29 October, 2013 |
Ten years that shook the media world [2013] |
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series. |
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen |
22 October, 2013 |
Moral Maze, Arijit Sen |
Arijit Sen, CNN-IBN gives his opinion on the debates premise 'Journalism coarsens, simplifies and distorts politics (and the new journalism won't be any better)'. As part of the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Arijit Sen, Jean Seaton, Michael Parks, Paul Taylor, Nick Fraser, John Lloyd |
19 September, 2013 |
Plenary panel debate: The Future of Journalism |
Panel debate at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Mark Thompson, Natalie Nougayrède, Peter Barron, John Stackhouse, Nic Newman |
17 September, 2013 |
Paying the Piper: Rethinking the Economics of Newspaper Journalism |
Reuters Memorial Lecture 2013 - by Mark Thompson, President and Chief Executive of the New York Times Company. |
Mark Thompson, David Levy, John Lloyd |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - Natalie Nougayrède (Le Monde) |
Natalie Nougayrède, Executive Editor of Le Monde talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Natalie Nougayrède |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - Nic Newman (RISJ Research Associate) |
Nic Newman, Digital Media Strategist and RISJ Research Associate, talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Nic Newman |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - John Stackhouse (Editor-in-chief, Globe and Mail, Toronto). |
John Stackhouse, Editor-in-Chief of The Globe and Mail, Toronto, talking at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
John Stackhouse |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - Peter Barron (Google) |
Peter Barron, Peter Barron, Director of Communications and Public Affairs for EMEA, Google, talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Peter Barron |
17 September, 2013 |
What Obama's Elections Have Taught the Media - and the Rest of Us: RISJ/BBC Butler Lecture 2013 |
Larry J. Sabato, American political scientist and political analyst and Robert Kent Gooch Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia, and director of its Center for Politics, gives the 2013 RISJ/BBC Butler lecture. |
Larry J Sabato |
27 August, 2013 |
Making a success of a news start-up |
Hugo Dixon, Editor-at-Large Reuters News, founder of Breaking Views website, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Hugo Dixon |
10 July, 2013 |
Verifying social media information in real time: from the UK riots to the Boston bombings, via Hurricane Sandy |
Farida Vis, University of Sheffield, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series on social media and the news on June 12th 2013. |
Farida Vis |
2 July, 2013 |
Writing news for young people |
Miranda Green, Editor, The Day, gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series about writing news for young people. |
Miranda Green |
17 June, 2013 |
Reporting the UK to Germany |
John F Jungclaussen, Die Zeit, UK Correspondent, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series on reporting UK news to the German news media. |
John F Jungclaussen |
4 June, 2013 |
'A walk on the Dark Side': the changing face of corporate communications |
Tim Burt, former media editor at the FT and author of 'Dark Art: the changing face of public relations' gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series on Public Relations and the media. |
Tim Burt |
4 June, 2013 |
The challenges of reporting China to the outside world |
Jane Macartney, the Times and former Reuters Beijing bureau chief gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
Jane Macartney |
16 April, 2013 |
How Technology can help to Democratise the Media |
Shu Chaudhary gives a talk for the Reuters School of Journalism, Seminar series. |
Shu Chardhary |
11 March, 2013 |
Reporting the UK to a French audience |
Sonia Delesalle-Stolper, London correspondent for Libération, gives a talk for the Reuters School of Journalism on reporting the UK in the French media. |
Sonia Delesalle-Stolper |
4 February, 2013 |
Open Journalism, Social Media and the England Riots |
Paul Lewis, Special Projects Editor, Guardian, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series on ope journalism, social media and the England Riots. |
Paul Lewis |
4 February, 2013 |
Legacy media and technology transitions - what went wrong? |
Lucy Küng, Professor of Media Management at Jönköping International Business School. |
Lucy Küng |
19 December, 2012 |
Women in Journalism - a new kind of glass ceiling? |
Suzanne Franks, City University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series. |
Suzanne Franks |
19 December, 2012 |
More News is Good News: Democracy and Media in India |
Prannoy Roy, director of New Delhi Television, gives a lecture on the history of NDTV and Indian television and the part democracy and rulership has played it's development. |
Prannoy Roy, John Lloyd, Daya Thussu, Geert Linnebank |
29 November, 2012 |
New challenges of reporting on government |
Christopher Cook, FT education correspondent, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
Christopher Cook |
21 November, 2012 |
The war for Leveson's ear |
John Mair, senior lecturer Coventry University and author of 'The Phone Hacking Scandal; Journalism on Trial' gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
John Mair |
21 November, 2012 |
Networked journalism and the age of social discovery [2012] |
Nic Newman, former Future Media Controller, BBC and RISJ Visiting Fellow. |
Nic Newman |
5 November, 2012 |
Ten years that Shook the Media World [2012] |
Launch of a new Reuters Institute report, 'Ten Years that Shook the Media World'. |
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen |
5 November, 2012 |
The Media-Industrial Complex: Comparing the influence of Murdoch and Berlusconi? |
Steven Barnett, Westminster and Benedetta Brevini, City University, give a talk for the Reuters Institute Seminar series. |
Steven Barnett, Benedetta Brevini |
25 June, 2012 |
Challenges for Media Democratization in Brazil and Latin America |
Dr Carolina Matos, former LSE fellow, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series on 6th June 2012. |
Carolina Matos |
25 June, 2012 |
Berlusconismo and Murdochismo |
Bill Emmott, editor of The Economist 1993-2006, columnist for The Times and La Stampa, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series on Silvio Berlesconi and Rupert Murdoch. |
Bill Emmott |
6 June, 2012 |
Doing business by making news or making news by doing business? |
Elena Raviola, Gothenburg University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Elena Raviola |
6 June, 2012 |
Semantic Polling: The 2010 UK General Election and real-time opinion monitoring |
Nick Anstead, London School of Economics, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Nick Anstead |
6 June, 2012 |
Survival is Success: journalistic online start-ups in Western Europe |
Dr Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Research fellow, RISJ, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen |
15 May, 2012 |
A Million Media Now! The Rise of India on the Global Scene |
Professor Daya Thussu, University of Westminster gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series. |
Daya Thussu |
30 April, 2012 |
Numbers are Weapons - A Self Defence Guide |
Tim Harword, Financial Times, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series. |
Tim Harford |
6 March, 2012 |
The British Media - the view from outside |
Sarah Lyall, correspondent for the New York Times, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Sarah Lyall |
6 March, 2012 |
The Politicisation of Public Broadcasting in Post-Apartheid South Africa |
Corinna Arndt, DPhil Candidate, Oxford, gives a talk forthe Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Corinna Arndt |
6 March, 2012 |
Reporting the financial crisis - lessons for the future |
Jane Fuller, former financial editor at the Financial Times, and director of Fuller Analysis gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series. |
Jane Fuller |
22 February, 2012 |
Emotions and Journalism: the relationship between practices of emotional story-telling and objectivity in award-winning journalism |
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series. |
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen |
22 February, 2012 |
Revolution in Libya - what happened and how the media reported it |
Lindsey Hilsum, Channel 4 international editor and author of 'Sandstorm: Libya in the Time of Revolution' gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series. |
Lindsey Hilsum |
22 February, 2012 |
The rights of journalism and the needs of audiences |
Baroness Onora O'Neill delivers the 2011 Reuters Memorial Lecture, followed by a panel discussion chaired by Lord Patten, chancellor of Oxford University. |
Onora O'Neill, Michael Parks, Stephen Abell, Stewart Purvis, David Yelland, Chris Patten |
9 February, 2012 |
Global Digital Television Switchover: National Differences and Emerging Outcomes |
Michael Starks gives the Oxford Media Research Seminar for the Reuters Institute Seminar Series. |
Michael Starks |
6 February, 2012 |
The Challenges of Reporting Foreign Policy |
Bridget Kendall, BBC Diplomatic Correspondent, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute Seminar Series. |
Bridget Kendall |
6 February, 2012 |
Can TV make history? |
Norma Percy, Documentary film making and producer gives a talk for thw Reuters Institute Seminar Series. Note: Clips of documentaries have been edited out to avoid copyright infringement. |
Norma Percy |
6 February, 2012 |
The Hyper-Real Culture of the Tabloid Newsroom: Personal Experiences of UK Tabloid Culture |
Richard Peppiatt, media commentator and former reporter for the Daily Star, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Richard Peppiatt |
12 December, 2011 |
Challenges to journalists' source protection rights in Europe and Australia |
Katherine Stowell, University of Edinburgh, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Katherine Stowell |
12 December, 2011 |
News in the Digital Age - How The Economist Fits In |
Tom Standage, Digital Editor, The Economist, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Tom Standage |
12 December, 2011 |
Foreign Correspondence and Fixers: The Missing Link |
Colleen Murrell (Deakin University) gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Colleen Murrell |
12 December, 2011 |
Feeding the Financial Beast: Challenges of Reporting in Rumour Hungry Markets |
Jodie Ginsberg, Reuters Bureau Chief, UK and Ireland, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series. |
Jodie Ginsberg |
22 November, 2011 |
Politicians and Journalists: Friends or Foes? |
Deborah Davies, Channel 4 Dispatches, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series on 2nd November 2011. |
Deborah Davies |
18 November, 2011 |
From Coffeehouses to Online Communities: How the Public Engages with the News on the Web |
Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon (Oxford) gives a talk for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Seminar Series. |
Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon |
11 November, 2011 |
Business Models and their Uses in Media Companies |
Robert Picard, RISJ Director of Research, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism seminar series on 20th October 2011. |
Robert Picard |
31 October, 2011 |
Networked Journalism and the Age of Social Discovery [2011] |
Nic Newman, RISJ Visiting Fellow, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism seminar series on the 12th October 2011. |
Nic Newman |
31 October, 2011 |
Making serious TV for Large Audiences |
Roger Graef, OBE, Managing Director, Films of Record, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute. |
Roger Graef |
22 July, 2011 |