FMR 54 - An unequal partnership: resettlement service providers in Australia |
The relationship between government and government-contracted refugee resettlement service providers in Australia needs to be based more on autonomy and trust. |
Niro Kandasamy |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Refugee resettlement and activism in New Zealand |
From 2013 the Doing Our Bit campaign has been calling for New Zealand to double its refugee quota from 750 places to 1,500. |
Murdoch Stephens |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Differential treatment of refugees in Ireland |
The Irish government makes considerable efforts to resettle Syrian refugees arriving through the UNHCR resettlement process but offers no support to those refugees - some of whom are also from Syria - who individually seek asylum. |
Natalya Pestova |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Towards a new framework for integration in the US |
The view of integration in US resettlement policy is currently disconnected from the views of integration held by refugees themselves. |
Catherine Tyson |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - How refugee community groups support resettlement |
Refugee community groups often fill in service gaps after resettlement but remain unrecognised and not fully incorporated in formal resettlement processes. |
G Odessa Gonzalez Benson |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - US refugee exclusion practices |
The issue of 'material support' provided to an organisation deemed to be involved in terrorism has been fraught with contention in US immigration law circles, most often over the issue of support provided under duress. |
Katherine Knight |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Security practices and resettlement |
A widely held misconception about the terrorist threat is particularly evident in refugee resettlement practices, where refugees are placed on a security continuum alongside transnational criminals and terrorists. |
Shoshana Fine |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - The Solidarity Resettlement Programme, and alternatives, in Latin America |
For more than a decade, the countries in the Southern Cone of South America have had a regional Solidarity Resettlement Programme. |
María José Marcogliese |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Private refugee sponsorship in Canada |
For almost four decades, groups of Canadian private citizens have sponsored refugees for resettlement in addition to federal government resettlement programmes. |
Jennifer Hyndman, William Payne, Shauna Jimenez |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - The story of a small Canadian congregation sponsoring a refugee family |
Steps for private refugee sponsorship in Canada are not clearly spelled out for those seeking to be sponsors. While the process is rewarding, it is also challenging and sometimes frustrating. |
Shannon Tito, Sharolyn Cochand |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Rethinking how success is measured |
Despite the Canadian Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program being praised for integrating refugees into the job market faster than government-assisted refugees, there may be limited cause for celebration. |
Chloe Marshall-Denton |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Expectations of vulnerability in Australia |
The ability of refugees to gain admission to Australia is increasingly based on perceptions of helplessness, suffering and 'deservingness'. One consequence is that men in particular are marginalised following resettlement. |
Alice M Neikirk |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Resettlement of refugee youth in Australia: experiences and outcomes over time |
Findings from a longitudinal study of long-term resettlement experiences of refugee youth living in Melbourne. |
Celia McMichael, Caitlin Nunn, Ignacio Correa-Velez, Sandra M Gifford |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Rejecting resettlement: the case of the Palestinians |
Palestinian rejection of resettlement was driven by political concerns. This case study shows the importance of engaging directly with refugees when devising durable solutions |
Anne Irfan |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - The resettlement of Polish refugees after the second world war |
The passing of the Polish Resettlement Act and the creation of the different agencies related to it undoubtedly represented an unprecedented response to the challenge of mass migration in the UK. |
Agata Blaszczyk |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Iraqi refugees in Spanish-speaking Californian communities |
Cultural orientation is necessary but needs to be appropriate for the realities of the place where refugees are resettled. |
Ken Crane, Lisa Fernandez |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 - Resettlement: where's the evidence, what's the strategy? |
The aims and objectives of resettlement are poorly specified and the outcomes are poorly measured. |
Alexander Betts |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 General - Ensuring the rights of climate-displaced people in Bangladesh |
Five critical areas require urgent action with the threat of internal displacement as a result of climate change already severe and growing in Bangladesh. |
Prabal Barua, Mohammad Shahjahan, Mohammad Arifur Rahman, Syed Hafizur Rahman, Morshed Hossan Molla |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 General - When money speaks: behind asylum seekers' consumption patterns |
Asylum seekers' consumption patterns. |
Jonathan Goh, Sophie Kurschner, Tina Esmail, Jonathan van Arneman |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 General - Migrant, refugee or minor? It matters for children in Europe. |
The capacity of child-rights institutions and children’s services in many European countries needs to be strengthened considerably if governments are to meet their commitments to refugee and migrant children. |
Kevin Byrne |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 General - Statelessness determination: the Swiss experience |
While a detailed law on statelessness determination is recommended by UNHCR and others, Swiss practice in statelessness determination has evolved without one. |
Karen Hamann |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - Post-deportation risks for failed asylum seekers |
What happens to people who are deported after their asylum applications have failed? Many who are deported are at risk of harm when they return to their country of origin but there is little monitoring done of deportation outcomes. |
Jill Alpes, Charlotte Blondel, Nausicaa Preiss, Meritxell Sayos Monras |
22 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - Risks encountered after forced removal: the return experiences of young Afghans |
New research has documented the outcomes for young asylum seekers forcibly removed from the UK to Afghanistan. |
Emily Bowerman |
16 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - A grim return: post-deportation risks in Uganda |
Neither the UK nor Uganda monitors what happens during and after deportation by the UK of failed Ugandan asylum seekers, despite evidence of violence and grave abuses of individuals' human rights. |
Charity Ahumuza Onyoin |
16 March, 2017 |
FMR 54 Post-deportation mini-feature - The EU-Turkey deal: what happens to people who return to Turkey? |
People who return to Turkey under the EU-Turkey deal are detained and many risk onward deportation without access to legal aid and international protection. |
Sevda Tunaboylu, Jill Alpes |
16 March, 2017 |
'All the money I raised, I raised from Ghana': Understanding reverse remittance practice among Ghanaian migrants in the UK and their relatives in Ghana |
In the context of Ghanaians in the UK, Geraldine Adiku explores how migrant remittance practices are not only from 'developed' to 'developing' country; many are sent in the reverse direction, a fact largely ignored by scholarship on the topic |
Geraldine Adiku |
9 March, 2017 |
African migration to and from Europe: Rethinking circular migration |
Antony Otieno Ong'ayo presents an alternative approach to the management of migration in the context of EU–Africa migration relations |
Antony Otieno Ong'ayo |
3 February, 2017 |
Migratory flows, colonial encounters and the histories of transatlantic slavery |
Olivette Otele explores how histories of transatlantic slavery impact on contemporary questions of migration |
Olivette Otele |
26 January, 2017 |
Gender, violence and vulnerability: Examining the politics of protection in the current refugee 'crisis' |
Examining the ways in which gender has been used as a category of analysis in the current refugee 'crisis', and whether in effect international organisations, NGOs, and EU governments have really offered any protection to victims of gender violence |
Jane Freedman |
5 December, 2016 |
Iraq Re:Coded: Durable Skills, Education and Livelihoods through Innovation and Technology’ This presentation introduces ‘Iraq Re:Code |
Ali Clare (New York University) and Frederic Kastner (Fuse Foundation) give a talk for the Innovative Approaches to Education and Skills Training in Humanitarian Contexts panel. |
Ali Clare, Frederic Kastner |
2 December, 2016 |
The Real Superheroes: Reflecting on the Challenges and Opportunities of Innovators in and of Higher Education spaces in Refugee Camps |
Heather Donald (York University) and Laura Stankiewicz (Harvard and Tufts Universities) give a talk for the Innovative Approaches to Education and Skills Training in Humanitarian Contexts panel. |
Heather Donald, Laura Stankiewicz |
2 December, 2016 |
Refugee Co-Instructors: How Residents of Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda are Teaching Students at the University of Denver to Bridge the Gap between Policy and Practice |
Courtney Welton-Mitchell (University of Denver), Chen Reis (University of Denver), and Frederic Kastner (Fuse Foundation) gives a talk for the Innovative Approaches to Education and Skills Training in Humanitarian Contexts Panel. |
Courtney Welton-Mitchell, Chen Reis, Frederic Kastner |
2 December, 2016 |
Operationalising empathy in refugee camp design |
Neysan Zölzer (Mensch) gives a talk for the Design in Humanitarian Innovation panel. |
Neysan Zölzer |
2 December, 2016 |
Experiences with a threefold humanitarian innovation approach |
Jochan Bader and Reihaneh Mozaffari, More than Shelters give a talk for the Design in Humanitarian Innovation panel. |
Jochan Bader, Reihaneh Mozaffari |
2 December, 2016 |
The impact of design for humanitarian action: examples from Design without Borders’ projects |
Anjali Bhatnagar (Design without Borders), gives a talk for the Design in Humanitarian Innovation panel. |
Anjali Bhatnagar |
2 December, 2016 |
Principles for ethical humanitarian innovation |
Alexander Betts (Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford) gives a talk for the Considering Ethics in Humanitarian Innovation panel. |
Alexander Betts |
2 December, 2016 |
The ethics of monetary incentives for refugee repatriation |
Mollie Gerver (London School of Economics) gives a talk for the Considering Ethics in Humanitarian Innovation panel. |
Mollie Gerver |
2 December, 2016 |
Ethics as a driver for humanitarian innovations |
Anaïs Rességuier (Sciences Po Paris), gives a talk for the Ethics as a driver for humanitarian innovations panel. |
Anaïs Rességuier |
2 December, 2016 |
Energy for the Displaced part three |
Michael Keating and Glada Lahn (Chatham House) give a talk for the Energy for the Displaced panel. |
Michael Keating, Glada Lahn |
2 December, 2016 |
Energy for the Displaced part two |
Ben Good (GVEP International) gives a talk for the Energy for the Displaced panel. |
Ben Good |
2 December, 2016 |
Energy for the Displaced part one |
Christopher Baker-Brian (BBOXX) gives a talk for the Energy for the Displaced panel. |
Christopher Baker-Brian |
2 December, 2016 |
Developing Data for Humanitarian Protection part three |
Rajith Lakshman (Institute of Development Studies) gives a talk for the Developing Data for Humanitarian Protection panel. |
Rajith Lakshman |
2 December, 2016 |
Developing Data for Humanitarian Protection part two |
Brad Blitz (Middlesex University) gives a talk for the Developing Data for Humanitarian Protection panel. |
Brad Blitz |
2 December, 2016 |
Developing Data for Humanitarian Protection part one |
Andrew Rzepa (Senior Consultant, Gallup) gives a talk for the Developing Data for Humanitarian Protection panel. |
Andrew Rzepa |
2 December, 2016 |
Preserving space for adaptation - a success factor for achieving community agency and long-term impact |
Robin Mays (University of Washington) gives a talk for the Co-Creation and Participatory Approaches to Humanitarian Innovation panel. |
Robin Mays |
2 December, 2016 |
Reflections from ideation facilitation with vulnerable groups |
Ian Gray (independent consultant) gives a talk for the Co-Creation and Participatory Approaches to Humanitarian Innovation panel. |
Ian Gray |
2 December, 2016 |
Innovators or amateurs? The role of do-it-yourself-aid |
Anne-Meike Fechter (University of Sussex) gives a talk for the Co-Creation and Participatory Approaches to Humanitarian Innovation session. |
Anne-Meike Fechter |
2 December, 2016 |
North–South migration and postcolonial encounters: Portuguese labour migrants in Angola |
Lisa Åkesson unsettles the image of migrants’ border crossing as solely taking place in South–North direction by looking at the contemporary postcolonial Portuguese labour migration to Angola |
Lisa Åkesson |
30 November, 2016 |
Governing migration through death in Europe and the US: Identification, burial and the crisis of modern humanism |
Vicki Squire examines similarities and differences in practices of ‘governing migration through death’ across the US–Mexico (Sonoran) and in the EU–North African (Mediterranean) contexts |
Vicki Squire |
24 November, 2016 |
Cyclone–migration–adaptation nexus in the social context of Bangladesh |
Bishawjit Mallick investigates how coastal communities in Bangladesh perceive, react and adapt to a cyclone disaster, and what role migration and non-migration play in recovering devastated livelihoods |
Bishawjit Mallick |
22 November, 2016 |
Between knowledge and power: Understanding how international organisations see migration |
Antoine Pécoud (University of Paris 13) critically analyses the reports produced by international organisations on migration, shedding light on the way these actors frame migration and develop their recommendations on how it should be governed |
Antoine Pécoud |
11 November, 2016 |
Humanitarian non-state actors and the delocalised EU border of the Central Mediterranean |
Paolo Cuttitta looks at how different humanitarian non-state actors (from large-scale international organisations to small local NGOs) operate in different spaces of the delocalised EU border |
Paolo Cuttitta |
4 November, 2016 |
FMR 53 - From the Editors |
This issue’s feature theme, ‘Local communities: first and last providers of protection’, looks at the capacity of communities to organise themselves before, during and after displacement in ways that help protect the community. |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Understanding and supporting community-led protection |
Supporting locally led protection strategies can significantly improve the impact of protection interventions. |
Nils Carstensen |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Challenging the established order: the need to 'localise' protection |
The growing criticism of protection actors for neglecting indigenous coping strategies and capacities should prompt a radical, creative re-think of attitudes and approaches. |
Simon Russell |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Women-led self-protection in Sudan |
In parts of Sudan, local NGOs and women’s groups have taken the lead in their own protection, and their considerable achievements have helped change the status of women in their communities. |
Nagwa Musa Konda, Leila Karim Tima Kodi, Nils Carstensen |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - This group is essential to our survival: urban refugees and community-based protection |
Nearly 60 percent of all refugees now live in cities, a trend that will continue as camps increasingly become an option of last resort. |
Jennifer S Rosenberg |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Refugees as a first stop for protection in Kampala |
As Rwandan refugees in Kampala, I and others like me are uniquely placed to help newly arrived refugees find their feet in the city. The work is demanding but vital. |
Eugenie Mukandayisenga |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Combatting dependency and promoting child protection in Rwanda |
Continuing dependence on aid that waxes and wanes with time and that comes largely from external sources can lead to feelings of powerlessness. It can furthermore undermine family- and community-based initiatives to protect children. |
Saeed Rahman, Simran Chaudhri, Lindsay Stark, Mark Canavera |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Local action to protect communities in Nigeria |
Collaborative, creative initiatives in Nigeria helped protect local communities from much of the impact of Boko Haram violence. When international agencies arrived, however, they ignored these efforts. |
Margee Ensign |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Refugees hosting refugees |
Acknowledging the widespread reality of ‘overlapping’ displacement provides an entry point to recognising and engaging with the agency of refugees and their diverse hosts in providing support and welcome to displaced people. |
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Northern Uganda: protection in displacement, protection on return |
In the absence of international or state assistance and protection, community members in northern Uganda stepped in to fill this vacuum both during displacement and throughout the laborious return process following the conflict’s end. |
Denise Dunovant |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Rethinking support for communities' self-protection strategies: a case study from Uganda |
Local communities will continue to find ways to address the risks that confront them with or without humanitarian support but the international community may be able to enhance these solutions. |
Jessica A Lenz |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Rebuilding lives in Colombia |
A grassroots women’s organisation in Colombia is working to protect women and girls from sexual and gender-based violence, and to support the healing of survivors. |
Emese Kantor |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Community-based protection: the ICRC approach |
The ICRC tries to ensure that its activities on behalf of IDPs and those at risk of displacement support, rather than undermine, communities’ and individuals’ self-protection mechanisms and coping strategies. |
Angela Cotroneo, Marta Pawlak |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Networks and 'the right to the city' in Medellin, Colombia |
Collective action by displaced people in Medellin has been both diverse and strategic. |
Jonathan Alejandro Murcia, James Gilberto Granada Vahos |
12 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Effective community-based protection programming: lessons from the Democratic Republic of Congo |
Oxfam’s work with local communities in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has prompted the organisation to develop guidance for themselves and for others working in similar situations. |
Richard Nunn |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Community Liaison Assistants: a bridge between peacekeepers and local populations |
Community Liaison Assistants may be UN peacekeeping’s most effective instrument for community engagement, with the potential to play a critical role in the protection of civilians. |
Janosch Kullenberg |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Refugee community development in New Delhi |
Recognising that process is as important as outcomes, a community development approach can be effective in supporting local communities as providers of first resort. |
Linda Bartolomei, Mari Hamidi, Nima Mohamed Mohamud, Kristy Ward |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Community policing in Kakuma camp, Kenya |
Community policing has become a popular way of promoting local ownership of security in refugee camps in Kenya and more widely, but it can also fall victim to its ambivalent position at the intersection of refugee communities and state policing. |
Hanno Brankamp |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - The role of community centres in offering protection: UNHCR and Al Ghaith Association in Yemen |
Community centres play an important role in offering protection for displaced communities, particularly for members of those communities who have specific needs. |
Nicolas Martin-Achard, Al Ghaith Association |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - The role of cultural norms and local power structures in Yemen |
Community power structures and attitudes in Yemen are key factors in how IDPs can gain protection and assistance. |
Mohammed Al-Sabahi, Fausto Aarya De Santis |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - The role of community in refugee journeys to Europe |
For Eritreans and Syrians coming to Europe, community networks both encourage the initial decision to go and provide elements of support along the way. |
Richard Mallett, Jessica Hagen-Zanker |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Integrating protection into disaster risk preparedness in the Dominican Republic |
Addressing protection as a key element of community-based disaster risk reduction and preparedness efforts is essential to safeguarding human rights in disaster and emergency settings. |
Andrea Verdeja |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Filling the funding gap for community protection |
An initiative to help local communities build resilience against violent extremism may offer useful lessons in how to help local communities access funding to support their self-protection efforts. |
Khalid Koser, Amy Cunningham |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - Preparing for self-preservation |
External actors need a far deeper understanding of local communities’ experience of and strategies for self-protection, and a far greater commitment to support those communities. |
Casey Barrs |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - Rethinking gender in the international refugee regime |
Currently the instruments of refugee status determination make asylum claims depend on images of women that are characterised by victimisation and motherhood. |
Megan Denise Smith |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - Colombia: the peace process and solutions for forced migrants |
If, as seems likely, Colombia reaches a peace agreement to end its long internal conflict, the settlement may create the political and legal conditions to solve the phenomenon of forced migration of its citizens. |
Jeisson Oswaldo Martínez Leguízamo |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - Statelessness and the refugee crisis in Europe |
The European Union needs to issue a Directive on common standards for statelessness determination procedures with a view to mitigating the particular impacts of statelessness in the context of the continuing refugee crisis in Europe. |
Katalin Berényi |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - Refugee women as entrepreneurs in Australia |
The 'Stepping Stones to Small Business' programme in Australia is appreciated by participants but has shown that 'entrepreneurship' is a problematic concept in the context of women from refugee backgrounds. |
John van Kooy |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - Power, politics and privilege: public health at the Thai-Burma border |
Power, politics and privilege: public health at the Thai-Burma border. |
Nikhil A Patel, Amos B Licthman, Mohit M Nair, Parveen K Parmar |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - Humanitarian visas: building on Brazil's experience |
Brazil’s humanitarian visas are an important tool in complementary protection, offering legal pathways for forced migrants to reach a safer country. |
Liliana Lyra Jubilut, Camila Sombra Muiños de Andrade, André de Lima Madureira |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - Engaging with innovation among refugees and IDPs |
Traditional humanitarian actors should develop mechanisms to support innovation by displaced people. |
Danielle Robinson |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 General - South African midwives caring for immigrant and refugee women |
Over recent years South Africa has accepted many refugees and asylum seekers, among whom are women requiring maternity services. |
Mamokgadi Gloria Victoria Koneshe |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 53 - FMR Reader Survey 2016: results and observations |
We are very grateful to the approximately 550 individuals who took the time to respond to our recent Reader Survey. |
FMR Online |
11 October, 2016 |
FMR 52 - From the Editors |
Our belief in the need for and the efficacy of humanitarian action is partly based on its actual effectiveness over the years in addressing the needs of, among others, forced migrants. |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Forced displacement: a development issue with humanitarian elements |
Now is the time to consolidate the shift towards full global recognition that the challenge of forced displacement is an integral part of the development agenda. |
Niels Harild |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - The reality of transitions |
Attempts to address the drivers of forced displacement and to provide sustainable solutions for refugees, IDPs and returnees need a more nuanced understanding of the drivers of violence and of war-to-peace transitions. |
Silvio Cordova |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Forgotten people: former Liberian refugees in Ghana |
The viability of the ECOWAS integration scheme implemented as a solution for those Liberians who continued to stay in Ghana is seen to be limited. |
Naohiko Omata |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Reflecting on Liberia and Sierra Leone |
In post-conflict Liberia and Sierra Leone, partnerships that were mutually supportive and that included the displaced themselves facilitated rapid and enduring results. |
J O Moses Okello |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Peace in Colombia and solutions for its displaced people |
With the prospect of peace comes the need to find solutions for those displaced during 50 years of fighting. |
Martin Gottwald |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - A perspective from the World Bank |
The World Bank brings distinctive qualities to the role it can play in furthering the humanitarian to development transition and is significantly scaling up its engagement on forced displacement. |
Joanna de Berry |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Humanitarian action and the transformation of gender relations |
There is value in creating space within a humanitarian response to invest in interventions that go beyond addressing the immediate risks and needs. |
Melinda Wells, Geeta Kuttiparambil |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - An age-sensitive approach to durable solutions |
Elderly people are likely to face specific constraints in displacement, yet the durable solutions devised by many states tend to follow a one-size-fits-all approach. |
Ana Mosneaga, Michaella Vanore |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - New aid architecture and resilience building around the Syria crisis |
The international community has been piloting an integrated humanitarian, development and government response to the crisis in the region of Syria. |
Gustavo Gonzalez |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Development cooperation and addressing ‘root causes' |
Development has its place in dealing with the roots of displacement but it is not an alternative to important measures. |
Steffen Angenendt, Anne Koch, Amrei Meier |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Labour mobility as part of the solution |
While refugee families lack access to work and struggle to survive, there are skills gaps around the world that could benefit from skilled refugees’ talents. |
Sayre Nyce, Mary Louise Cohen, Bruce Cohen |
15 August, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Palestinian professionals in Lebanon: an exception |
Palestine refugees in Lebanon, being classified as foreigners or migrants, suffer restrictions on their employment. |
Mahmoud Al-Ali |
13 July, 2016 |
FMR 52 - Doing business in Ecuador |
Engaging refugees in the economic development of Ecuador’s Esmeraldas Province would provide them with livelihoods and also combat the perception that they are a burden on society. |
Oscar M Sánchez Piñeiro, Regina Saavedra |
13 July, 2016 |
FMR 52 - The contribution of the private sector to solutions for displacement |
The Solutions Alliance is exploring ways of better engaging with the private sector to harness their capacity to turn displacement challenges into development opportunities. |
Glaucia Boyer, Yannick DuPont |
13 July, 2016 |