Crime Fiction in Oxford |
1 open episode (latest 15 May 2012) |
Crime Fiction is a continuingly popular genre that has never been more highly esteemed than now. This day school offers two overviews - of detective fiction in general… |
Philosophy of Religion |
8 open episodes (latest 02 May 2012) |
This series of eight lectures delivered by Dr T. J. Mawson at the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 2011, introduces the main philosophical arguments pertaining to the… |
Environmental Governance and Resilience |
5 open episodes (latest 17 Apr 2012) |
The 2012 Lecture series from Linacre college. Looking at answers to how do socio-ecological systems work and how are they best governed?
Philosophy for Beginners |
7 open episodes (latest 16 Apr 2012) |
Philosophy has been studied for thousands of years. It involves the use of reason and argument to search for the truth about reality - about the nature of things, ethics… |
A Romp Through the Philosophy of Mind |
6 open episodes (latest 16 Apr 2012) |
The mind is a fascinating entity. Where, after all, would we be without it? But what exactly is it? These days many people believe the mind simply is the brain.… |
A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners |
8 open episodes (latest 16 Apr 2012) |
In this introduction to ethics, we shall be considering the underpinnings of ethical thought. We shall consider, for example, what it is for an action to be right or… |
Critical Reasoning for Beginners |
7 open episodes (latest 16 Apr 2012) |
Are you confident you can reason clearly? Are you able to convince others of your point of view? Are you able to give plausible reasons for believing what you believe?… |
Is the planet full? Seminar Series 2011 |
7 open episodes (latest 29 Mar 2012) |
Podcasts from the Michaelmas Term Seminar Series 2011 at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford
Geographies of the World's Knowledge |
1 open episode (latest 28 Mar 2012) |
Who owns the world's knowledge? Who produces it? Who is able to consume it? Has the Internet democratized geographies of information? This free interactive book… |
D.H. Lawrence |
7 open episodes (latest 19 Mar 2012) |
Lecture Series looking at D.H. Lawrence, author of Women in Love, Sons and Lovers and Lady Chatterley's Lover. These lectures focus on specific aspects of Lawrence… |
Comparative Methods Workshop |
8 open episodes (latest 12 Mar 2012) |
The Workshop in Comparative Methods took place at the Oxford Institute of Social Policy on 12-14 January 2012; it provided an overview of and introduction into various… |
Wadham College |
1 open episode (latest 02 Mar 2012) |
400 years after its foundation, Wadham College enjoys a reputation for academic excellence within an informal and progressive community.<br />
<br />
Over… |
Can emerging technologies save the world? Hilary Term Seminar Series 2012 |
2 open episodes (latest 22 Feb 2012) |
This series of special events will provide a broad, cross-disciplinary understanding of some of the most critical challenges and opportunities in transformative… |
Samuel Johnson |
1 open episode (latest 13 Feb 2012) |
Samuel Johnson (18 September 1709 to 13 December 1784), often referred to as Dr Johnson, was an English author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a… |
Bio-Ethics Bites |
10 open episodes (latest 03 Feb 2012) |
Bioethics is the study of the moral implications of new and emerging medical technologies and looks to answer questions such as selling organs, euthanasia and whether… |
Oxford Symposium On The August 2011 Riots: Context And Responses |
9 open episodes (latest 27 Jan 2012) |
Academics, community workers and researchers come together to discuss the social and political implications of the August 2011 Riots. Looking at the causes for the riots… |
Botanic Garden |
9 open episodes (latest 10 Jan 2012) |
The Oxford Botanic Garden is a national reference collection of 7,000 different types of plant, making it the most compact yet diverse collection of plants in the World… |
The State of the State |
7 open episodes (latest 05 Jan 2012) |
The State of the State lecture series focuses on the transformation of the modern state, with an emphasis on Western Europe and European integration, from a… |
Building a Business: Moving Your Product to the Market |
7 open episodes (latest 20 Dec 2011) |
This podcast series records the 3rd annual Begbroke Transfer conference 'Building a Business: Moving Your Product to the Market' at Begbroke Science Park,… |
The New Psychology of Depression |
10 open episodes (latest 06 Dec 2011) |
We live in a world filled with material wealth, live longer and healthier lives, and yet anxiety, stress, unhappiness, and depression have never been more common. What… |
George Eliot |
3 open episodes (latest 05 Dec 2011) |
This mini-series is intended to introduce George Eliot to undergraduates. The first lecture ranges widely across her works, including her atypical novella 'The… |
Bynum Tudor Annual Lectures at Kellogg College |
1 open episode (latest 23 Nov 2011) |
Kellogg College annual lecture series sponsored by Bynum E. Tudor.
Christ Church |
4 open episodes (latest 10 Nov 2011) |
Podcasts from Christ Church, Oxford including events and symposiums such as the Gorbachev Lectures on Press Freedom
Oxford-India Day |
4 open episodes (latest 09 Nov 2011) |
The inaugural Oxford-India Day took place on 17 June 2011. The event aimed to celebrate the longstanding and varied links between the University and India, and to… |
Oxford Humanities - Research Showcase: Global Exploration, Innovation and Influence |
5 open episodes (latest 24 Aug 2011) |
A one day conference showcasing the wide variety of research and projects being undertaken by Academics under the Humanities Division at the University of Oxford. From… |
Intergenerational Justice: What do we owe future generations?: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2011 |
5 open episodes (latest 24 Aug 2011) |
What are the long-term consequences of decisions we make today, and to what extent should the interests of future generations be taken into account? There is a wide… |
New Thinking: Advances in the Study of Human Cognitive Evolution |
10 open episodes (latest 23 Aug 2011) |
An interdisciplinary conference focusing on new ideas and discoveries in research on the evolution of human cognition The conference focuses on genetic, developmental,… |
Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion |
7 open episodes (latest 22 Jul 2011) |
The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion conducts research into religious beliefs and theological concepts in relation to the sciences. The Centre is a part of the… |
Our Mental Wellness |
1 open episode (latest 13 Jul 2011) |
Our Mental Wellness is a seminar series organised by the Experimental Psychology Department. The series aims to inform, dispel myths and generate discussion on a range… |
The Medtronic Lectures in Biomedical Engineering |
1 open episode (latest 06 Jul 2011) |
This annual lecture, sponsored by the Medtronic Foundation, is given by an internationally-renowned scholar in the field of Biomedical Engineering. In addition to giving… |
Research Integrity |
7 open episodes (latest 05 Jul 2011) |
A series of lectures looking at different aspects of research integrity and their application in biomedical research.
RunCoCo - Beyond Collections: Crowdsourcing for public engagement |
8 open episodes (latest 27 May 2011) |
A free one-day conference held at OUCS, University of Oxford on 26th May 2011. Our 'Beyond' conference this year celebrates the joys and challenges of… |
Philosophy - Ethics of the New Biosciences |
1 open episode (latest 24 May 2011) |
Audio podcasts from the program on Ethics of the New Biosciences, part of the James Martin 21st Century School. Looking at the ethical issues surrounding genetic testing… |
Broadcast Media |
4 open episodes (latest 19 Apr 2011) |
The News International Visiting Professorship of Broadcast Media was established in 1996, as part of a generous benefaction from Rupert Murdoch. It is an annual… |
The Elements of Drawing |
9 open episodes (latest 24 Mar 2011) |
Stephen Farthing R.A. presents eight practical drawing classes using John Ruskin’s teaching collections to explain the basic principles of drawing. This series… |
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason |
8 open episodes (latest 16 Mar 2011) |
A lecture series examining Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. This series looks at German Philosopher Immanuel Kant's seminal philosophical work 'The… |
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art lectures |
8 open episodes (latest 15 Mar 2011) |
Lecture series on Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. The first part of the series focuses on some of the most important writings on art and beauty in the Western… |
The King James Bible Lecture Series |
4 open episodes (latest 14 Mar 2011) |
Manifold greatness: Oxford Celebrations of the King James Bible 1611-2011. Lecture series held in Corpus Christi College to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the first… |
Institute for Science, Innovation and Society |
6 open episodes (latest 10 Mar 2011) |
The Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) researches and informs key contemporary and emerging issues and processes of social, scientific, and… |
Research Approaches to Former Soviet States: A Practical Introduction |
15 open episodes (latest 01 Mar 2011) |
A conference to share as much practical and methodological information as possible to give all new researchers in the history of former Soviet States a head start so… |
Oxford Abridged Short Talks |
4 open episodes (latest 15 Feb 2011) |
Short interesting lectures from top Oxford academics. Includes a series of short lectures about love, held on Valentines Day 2011.
Global and Imperial History Research Seminar |
1 open episode (latest 31 Jan 2011) |
The Global and Imperial History Research Seminar is chaired by Professor Judith Brown (Beit Professor of Commonwealth History), Professor John Darwin (Beit Lecturer of… |
Christmas Stories from Oxford University |
3 open episodes (latest 23 Dec 2010) |
ePub editions of popular Christmas tales, with seasonal greetings and best wishes from Oxford University.
John Locke Lectures in Philosophy |
5 open episodes (latest 20 Dec 2010) |
The John Locke Lectures are among the world's most distinguished lecture series in philosophy. The series began in 1950 and are given once a year.
Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities |
2 open episodes (latest 15 Dec 2010) |
The Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities seeks to understand how cities can be made more flexible to face the challenges of the next fifty years. This seminar… |
Certification and Sustainability |
6 open episodes (latest 08 Dec 2010) |
The certification of products is not new. However, the past few years have seen an upsurge in consumer demand for much more information about the provenance,… |
Shelley's Ghost: Reshaping the Image of a Literary Family |
16 open episodes (latest 02 Dec 2010) |
Few families enjoy such a remarkable reputation for their contribution to the literature and intellectual life of Britain as the Godwins and the Shelleys. The Bodleian… |
General Philosophy |
41 open episodes (latest 01 Dec 2010) |
A series of lectures delivered by Peter Millican to first-year philosophy students at the University of Oxford. The lectures comprise of the 8-week General Philosophy… |
Shakespeare's First Folio (ePub format) |
36 open episodes (latest 26 Oct 2010) |
The first complete collection of Shakespeare's plays, from the First Folio of 1623, in their original spelling and orthography, presented in ePub format. The texts… |
History of Tropical Medicine at Oxford |
5 open episodes (latest 14 Sep 2010) |
Every year more than 10 million children under the age of five die in developing countries, nearly a million from malaria alone. Every day more than 2500 people die of… |