Immunities and the Crime of Aggression - A Search for Normative Coherence |
Tom Dannenbaum, Associate Professor of International Law at the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University, examines approaches to addressing the crime of aggression within a normatively coherent framework of immunities and international crimes. |
Tom Dannenbaum |
6 March, 2025 |
A Weapon Is No Subordinate. Autonomous Weapons and the Scope of Superior Responsibility |
Dr. Alessandra Spadaro of Utrecht University outlines several challenges to the applicability of the doctrine of superior responsibility in the context of the use of autonomous weapons systems. |
Alessandra Spadaro |
24 February, 2023 |
One Hundred Years of International Administrative Law: Is the Employment Law at International Organizations Working? |
Peter Quayle argues employment law of international organizations tends towards incoherence, however, mapping international administrative law onto a larger framework of international organizations law can realize a more workable version of the law. |
Peter Quayle |
24 February, 2023 |
Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea: Informal Lawmaking in Action? |
Natalie Klein, Professor at UNSW Sydney, presents on the Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea, adopted in March 2022 as an initiative of UK charity Human Rights at Sea, and on the Declaration's lawmaking potential. |
Natalie Klein |
20 January, 2023 |
Violent environments? Towards a political ecology of international law |
Dr Eliana Cusato, postdoctoral fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law, presents an overview of the key arguments in her book, 'The Ecology of War and Peace: Marginalising Slow and Structural Violence in International Law'. |
Eliana Cusato |
20 January, 2023 |
Climate Litigation in International Organs and Courts: The Torres Strait Islanders case |
Monica Feria-Tinta discusses a landmark 2022 decision of the UN Human Rights Committee which found that Australia failed to protect indigenous Torres Strait Islanders against adverse impacts of climate change, in breach of human rights law. |
Monica Feria-Tinta |
20 January, 2023 |
Complicity in a War of Aggression |
Dr Nikola Hajdin outlines an analytical framework for criminal complicity in a war of aggression |
Nikola Hajdin |
20 January, 2023 |
Law of the Sea in the ‘Plasticene’ |
Professor Karen Scott of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, gives a presentation exploring the current regime complex for ocean plastics and considering how the law of the sea is likely to interact with a newly proposed plastics treaty. |
Karen N. Scott |
4 May, 2022 |
Revisiting Sovereignty and Recognition of Oppressive Governments; A focus on Myanmar |
Professor Errol P. Mendes of the University of Ottawa gives a presentation calling for a revisiting of the origins of the concept of sovereignty in Public International Law. |
Errol P Mendes |
8 April, 2022 |
‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown’: Recent developments regarding the immunities of heads of state and government |
Philippa Webb, Professor of Public International Law at King’s College London, gives a presentation on recent developments in English law in cases against current and former heads of state. |
Philippa Webb |
1 March, 2022 |
State Consent between Regionalism and Universalism: Particular Customary International Law before the International Court of Justice |
Freya Baetens, Professor of Public International Law at Oslo University, gives a presentation on how the International Court of Justice has addressed claims based on ‘regional’ customary international law. |
Freya Baetens |
1 March, 2022 |
Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters |
Nicolas Lamp, Queen’s University, Canada gives a presentation to the Public International Law Discussion Group. |
Nicolas Lamp |
24 January, 2022 |
A Behavioral Analysis of Humanitarian Negotiations |
Professor Anne van Aaken, University of Hamburg, Germany, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series (11/11/2021). |
Anne van Aaken |
17 January, 2022 |
'The Function of Equity in International Law |
Professor Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. (4/11/2021) |
Catharine Titi |
17 January, 2022 |
Tactical Admissions in International Litigation |
A presentation by Professor Stefan Talmon on Tactical Admissions in International Litigation, delivered to the Public International Law Discussion Group. |
Stefan Talmon |
17 January, 2022 |
Strasbourg on Compulsory Vaccination |
Professor Paul Gragl, European Law at the University of Graz, Austria, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Paul Gragl |
25 October, 2021 |
Diversity Issues in International Legal Acadmia and Practice |
Julia Emtseva, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Julia Emtseva |
25 October, 2021 |
International Law and the Practice of Legality: stability and change |
Professor Jutta Brunnée, University of Toronto, gives a talk for the seminar series on 6th May 2021. |
Jutta Brunnée |
29 July, 2021 |
Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Diverging Jurisprudence at the ECtHR and the UN |
Dr Lea Raible University of Glasgow; 2020/21 re:constitution Fellow, gives a talk for the Public International Law discussion group on 20th May 2021. |
Lea Raible |
24 May, 2021 |
The Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System: Standard-setting or International Law-making? |
Ignacio de Casas, Austral University, Argentina, gives a seminar for the PIL discussion group. |
Ignacio de Casas |
18 May, 2021 |
Hart and Kelsen on International Law |
Professor David Dyzenhaus, University of Toronto, currently a Guggenheim Fellow and a Visiting Fellow at All Souls, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
David Dyzenhaus |
5 May, 2021 |
How International is the International Court of Justice? |
Professor James T. Gathii, Wing-Tat Lee Chair in International Law and Professor of Law at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, gives a talk for the Oxford Public International Law seminar series. |
James T Gathii |
30 March, 2021 |
The Laws of War in International Thought |
Professor Pablo Kalmanovitz, International Studies Division at CIDE, Mexico City, gives a talk for the Oxford PIL discussion group. |
Pablo Kalmanovitz |
29 March, 2021 |
The Recognition of a Right to be Rescued at Sea |
Professor Seline Trevisanut, Utrecht University, gives a talk for the Public International Law discussion group series. |
Seline Trevisanut |
26 February, 2021 |
Two Visions of the International Rule of Law |
Professor Monica Hakimi, University of Michigan, gives a talk for the PIL discussion series. |
Monica Hakimi |
22 February, 2021 |
Climate Change and Human Rights Litigation: A Proposed New Line of Argument |
Professor Martin Scheinin, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, gives a talk for the Public International Law series. |
Martin Scheinin |
19 February, 2021 |
Dangerous proportions: Means and Ends in Non-Finite War |
Professor Nehal Bhuta, University of Edinburgh and Dr Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, University of Amsterdam, give a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Nehal Bhuta, Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi |
17 February, 2021 |
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law - and Beyond |
Carola Lingaas, VID Specialised University, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Carola Lingaas |
17 February, 2021 |
More than a Morbid Quest: obituaries and mapping the invisible college of international lawyers |
Luíza Leão Soares Pereira, Lecturer in International Law at the University of Sheffield, and Doctoral Candidate at the University of Cambridge, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Luíza Leão Soares Pereira |
5 February, 2021 |
Binding and Non-binding International Agreements (as explored by the OAS Juridical Committee) |
Professor Duncan Hollis, Temple University, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series on 21st January 2021. |
Duncan Hollis |
25 January, 2021 |
Humanity, Inclusive Positivism and the Law of Armed Conflict |
Humanitarian personnel from time to time find themselves transporting desperate civilian residents forced out of besieged areas into long-term or even permanent displacement |
Nobuo Hayashi |
6 November, 2020 |
The International Law of Mega-Awards |
Public international law’s turn to judicialisation in the last three decades has led to more attention paid to remedies including of monetary character, in inter-State dispute settlement as well as in tribunals open to non-State actors. |
Martins Paparinskis |
25 August, 2020 |
The Effect of jus cogens and the Individuation of Norms |
International law ascribes to the conferral of a jus cogens status on a norm a particular legal significance. |
Ulf Linderfalk |
6 March, 2020 |
International Judicial Speech Acts |
Domestic and international judges speak separately from their courts' institutional voice in myriad ways. |
Neha Jain |
21 February, 2020 |
The Duty to Prevent Atrocity Crimes: Operationalising State Obligations |
From the instant that a State receives an early warning that mass atrocities are likely to occur, what, precisely, is it required to do in response? |
Shannon Raj Singh |
19 February, 2020 |
The Interplay between Maritime Security and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Help or Hindrance? |
The concept of maritime security and its interplay with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC) have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. |
Sofia Galani |
12 February, 2020 |
All Souls Seminar Series: The Contribution of Forensic or other Expert Evidence to Wrongful Convictions in the United States: Data and Experiences from the National Registry of Exonerations |
All Souls Seminar Series: The Contribution of Forensic or other Expert Evidence to Wrongful Convictions in the United States: Data and Experiences from the National Registry of Exonerations |
Simon Cole |
10 February, 2020 |
All Souls Seminar - Structural Racism and Deaths in Police Custody in Europe: At the Crossroads of Criminal Law and Human Rights |
All Souls Seminar - Structural Racism and Deaths in Police Custody in Europe: At the Crossroads of Criminal Law and Human Rights |
Eddie Bruce-Jones |
2 January, 2020 |
UK Supreme Court: R (Privacy International) v Investigatory Powers Tribunal [2019] UKSC 22 |
Session 3 of the Law and Politics in Three Courts conference Friday 8th November 2019 |
Nick Barber, Richard Ekins, Jeff King, Helen Mountfield |
20 December, 2019 |
Kenyan Supreme Court: Raila Odinga and Another v IEBC and Others, 2017 |
Session 2 of the Law and Politics in Three Courts conference Friday 8th November 2019 |
Anne Makena, John Ambani, Nic Cheeseman, Luis Franceschi |
20 December, 2019 |
International Criminal Court: Appeal against the decision under article 87(7)of the Rome Statute on the non-compliance by Jordan with the request by the Court for the arrest and surrender of Omar Al-Bashir (ICC- 02/05-01/09 OA2) 6 May 2019 |
Session 1 of the Law and Politics in Three Courts conference Friday 8th November 2019 |
Catherine O’Regan, Dapo Akande, Evelyne Asaala, Dire Tladi |
20 December, 2019 |
How effective can litigation be in foreseeing and preventing human rights abuse? |
Alejandra Ancheita delivers the keynote address at the Justice for Transnational Human Violations - At the Crossroads of Litigation, Policy and Scholarship Conference June 2019 |
Alejandra Ancheita |
20 December, 2019 |
Between Optimism and Pessimism: prospects for the conclusion of a new treaty on marine biodiversity on the high seas |
The United Nations is currently undertaking negotiations with a view to concluding an international legally binding instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (the BBNJ Treaty). |
Joanna Mossop |
18 November, 2019 |
ILC’s Draft Conclusions on Peremptory Norms of General International Law |
Dire Tladi is a Professor of international law at the University of Pretoria and an Extraordinary Professor at the University of Stellenbosch. |
Dire Tladi |
13 November, 2019 |
Crimmigration and Refugees in Australia: Visa Cancellation on Criminality Grounds and 'Living in the Community' as Punishment and Deterrence |
Crimmigration and Refugees in Australia: Visa Cancellation on Criminality Grounds and 'Living in the Community' as Punishment and Deterrence |
Anthea Vogl |
12 November, 2019 |
All Souls Seminar Series: Democracy and the Mafia. |
Democracy and the Mafia. |
Federico Varese |
12 November, 2019 |
Litigating Rights : The Right to Health |
Litigating Rights : The Right to Health – Mark Heywood and Maya Foa in Conversation |
Mark Heywood, Maya Foa |
8 November, 2019 |
The Legal Evolution of the Climate Change Regime: Past, Present, and Future |
What have been the key themes in the legal evolution of the UN climate regime? |
Daniel Bodansky |
31 October, 2019 |
The Role of Domestic Law in the International Legal Validity of Treaty Withdrawal |
If a state withdraws from a treaty in a manner that violates its own domestic law, will this withdrawal take effect in international law? |
Hannah Woolaver |
25 October, 2019 |
Litigating Rights - Wolfgang Kaleck in Conversation |
Litigating Rights Series - Wolfgang Kaleck in Conversation |
Wolfgang Kaleck, Ben Wizner, Annelen Micus |
24 October, 2019 |
Climate Change and the Rule of Law |
Despite three decades of legal development, existing systems of law fail to provide effective foundations for limiting climate change. |
Cinnamon Carlarne |
18 October, 2019 |
(De)constructing the crimmigrant other: migration, citizenship, and penal power |
Annual Roger Hood Lecture: Professor Katja Franko University of Oslo |
Katja Franko |
16 July, 2019 |
The Shamima Begum case: Citizenship Stripping and Belonging in Britain |
All Souls Criminology Seminar Series - Devyani Prabhat, University of Bristol |
Devyani Prabhat |
16 July, 2019 |
"Doing Civilization's Heavy Lifting": The State of Injustice in the United States |
All Souls Criminology Seminar Series - Dr Tony Platt, University of California, Berkeley |
Tony Platt |
16 July, 2019 |
Historicising American Exceptionalism in Crime, Punishment and Inequality |
All Souls Criminology Seminar Series - Prof. Niki Lacey |
Niki Lacey |
16 July, 2019 |
Book Launch: Reasons to Doubt: Wrongful Convictions and the Criminal Cases Review Commission (Oxford University Press, 2019) |
Book Launch: Reasons to Doubt: Wrongful Convictions and the Criminal Cases Review Commission (Oxford University Press, 2019) |
Carolyn Hoyle, Respondent Hannah Quirk |
3 July, 2019 |
Citizenship and Accountability Conference Session 6: The Way Forward |
It is twenty-five years since the transition to democracy in South Africa. Some of the most enduring challenges have concerned the role of customary law and traditional leadership in the new democratic state. |
Thandabantu Nhlapo, Geoff Budlender, Tembeka Ngcukaitobi |
18 June, 2019 |
Citizenship and Accountability Conference Session 5: The Scope of Chiefly Power |
It is twenty-five years since the transition to democracy in South Africa. Some of the most enduring challenges have concerned the role of customary law and traditional leadership in the new democratic state. |
Jason Brickhill, Janine Ubink, Michael Mbikiwa, Monica De Souza Louw, Maame Mensa Bonsu |
18 June, 2019 |
Citizenship and Accountability Conference Session 4: Traditional Leaders and Communities, Money and Accountability |
It is twenty-five years since the transition to democracy in South Africa. Some of the most enduring challenges have concerned the role of customary law and traditional leadership in the new democratic state. |
Jonny Steinberg, Sonwabile Mnwana, Wilmien Wicomb; |
17 June, 2019 |
Citizenship and Accountability Conference Session 3: Mining and Resources: issues arising from recent litigation |
It is twenty-five years since the transition to democracy in South Africa. Some of the most enduring challenges have concerned the role of customary law and traditional leadership in the new democratic state. |
Nolundi Luwaya, Johan Lorenzen, Michael Bishop, William Beinart |
17 June, 2019 |
Citizenship and Accountability Conference Session 2: What is Living Customary Law? And how should the courts identify it and apply it? |
It is twenty-five years since the transition to democracy in South Africa. Some of the most enduring challenges have concerned the role of customary law and traditional leadership in the new democratic state. |
Nick Barber, Thandabantu Nhlapo, Nolundi Luwaya, Kate O'Regan |
17 June, 2019 |
Citizenship and Accountability Conference Session 1: Where are we now? The Constitution, Traditional Leaders and Customary Law |
It is twenty-five years since the transition to democracy in South Africa. Some of the most enduring challenges have concerned the role of customary law and traditional leadership in the new democratic state. |
Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, Peter Delius, Aninka Claassens |
17 June, 2019 |
The Rise of Investor-State Arbitration: Rethinking Key Moments |
What explains the rise of investor-state arbitration? To the extent that investor-state arbitration had founding fathers, what were their motivations, what constraints did they have, what was their thinking? |
Taylor St John |
31 May, 2019 |
The Internalisation of Investment Treaties and the Rule of Law Promise |
Investment treaties are often said to have two principal effects for the states that enter into them. First, it is asserted that investment treaties act to increase levels of foreign investment in host states. |
Jansen Calamita |
7 May, 2019 |
Due Diligence: An Obligation under International Law |
This talk will examine the legal nature of due diligence, namely whether it is a free-standing obligation under customary international law or a standard by which compliance with specific obligations may be assessed. |
Vladyslav Lanovoy |
7 May, 2019 |
All Souls Seminar Series: The Sexual Politics of Anti-Trafficking Discourse |
The Sexual Politics of Anti-Trafficking Discourse |
Prabha Kotiswaran |
13 March, 2019 |
Interpretation of Security Council Resolutions and the Status of Explanation of Votes |
Even though UN Security Council resolutions may have major consequences for the disputes and states concerned, some of the resolutions are ambiguous in their meaning. |
Mark Klamberg |
5 March, 2019 |
The Alseran Ruling One Year On; Session 2: A Critical Assessment of Recent Investigations and Prevention Efforts |
On the first anniversary of the Alseran ruling, where it was found that detainees in British military custody in Iraq had suffered inhuman and degrading treatment, and had been unlawfully detained. |
Thomas Obel Hansen, Elizabeth Stubbins Bates, Dapo Akande |
25 February, 2019 |
The Alseran Ruling One Year On; Session 1: Alseran in Context |
On the first anniversary of the Alseran ruling, where it was found that detainees in British military custody in Iraq had suffered inhuman and degrading treatment, and had been unlawfully detained. |
Liora Lazarus, Nicholas Mercer, Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, Melanie Jacques |
25 February, 2019 |
Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance |
Oceans are increasingly under pressure; be it for the multiplication and diversification of economic activities performed at sea, for the consequences of climate change, or for the deterioration of their environmental health. |
Seline Trevisanut |
22 February, 2019 |
All Souls: 'Pervasive Punishment' Making sense of mass supervision |
Fergus McNeill introduces the main arguments from his recent book explaining the meanings of 'mass supervision’ and outlining its scale and social distribution, the processes by which it has been legitimated and its significance as a penal phenomenon. |
Fergus McNeill |
19 February, 2019 |
Corporations and Human Rights Regulation |
This talk will consider the regulation of corporations for the human rights impacts of their activities. |
Robert McCorquodale |
12 February, 2019 |
Northern Borders: Addressing Immigration Detention, Deportation, and Degradation in Scandinavia and the UK |
Annika Lindberg Shahram Khosravi and Victoria Canning give a talk for the Border Criminologies series on 22nd January 2019. |
Annika Lindberg, Shahram Khosravi, Victoria Canning |
12 February, 2019 |
The 2020 UN Human Rights Treaty Body Review: strengthening or strangling the system? |
Following a difficult and protracted process, in 2014 the UNGA adopted Resolution 68/268 which set out to strengthen the UN human rights treaty body system. |
Malcolm Evans |
1 February, 2019 |
The Legal Metamorphosis of War |
War does not escape the transformations global governance has experienced in the past decades. |
Delphine Dogot |
25 January, 2019 |
Colombian Outcast Youths and the Broken Promises of Transformative Justice |
The peacebuilding literature has long emphasised that youth involvement is key to ensuring long-term peace. In the aftermath of the 'no' victory in the Colombian peace plebiscite, great emphasis has been placed on youth movements' push for peace. |
Elena Butti |
14 January, 2019 |
All Souls Blog: The Politics of Global Policing |
Professor Ben Bowling |
Ben Bowling |
19 December, 2018 |
Travaux, Commentaries and Encyclopedias - how we write them and how we use them |
The presentation will discuss the approaches to writing such reference works (based on the speaker's experience with the Update of the ICRC Commentaries to the 1949 Conventions, and the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law). |
Liesbeth Lijnzaad |
5 December, 2018 |
Creating More Peaceful Societies - Global Strategies to Reduce Interpersonal Violence by 50 Percent in 2040 |
Manuel Eisner, University of Cambridge |
Manuel Eisner |
20 November, 2018 |
The Consequences of Brexit |
Since the 24 June 2016, the politics of Brexit – in both the UK and the EU – has driven the negotiations and discussion surrounding the UK's departure from the EU. |
Andrew Hood |
13 November, 2018 |
How 'gangsters' become jihadists (and why most don't): Bourdieu, criminology and the crime-terrorism nexus |
Professor Sveinung Sandberg |
Sveinung Sandberg |
6 November, 2018 |
The Analogy between States and International Organizations |
An analogy between States and international organizations has characterised the development of the law that applies to intergovernmental institutions on the international plane. |
Fernando Bordin |
6 November, 2018 |
Unmaking the ocean |
This talk will discuss elements of a research project that explores the evolution of the law of the sea over the course of the 20th century |
Surabhi Ranganathan |
26 October, 2018 |
Criminology at the periphery: understanding police work in the remote Northern islands of Scotland |
Dr Anna Souhami, Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh School of Law, gives a talk for the Criminology seminar series on 11th October 2018. |
Anna Souhami |
24 October, 2018 |
Addressing key challenges to the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment |
The absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is under considerable pressure. |
Natasa Mavronicola |
23 October, 2018 |
Why punish perpetrators of mass atrocities? Reflections on peace, punishment and the ICC |
Ever since the trial against the major war criminals of World War II before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg the institution of 'punishment' has been an integral part of the international legal system. |
Florian Jeßberger |
16 October, 2018 |
All Souls Seminar: 'Shared Beginnings? The Role of Race' |
Dr. Coretta Philips and Dr. Alpa Parmar London School of Economics and University of Oxford |
Alpa Parmar, Coretta Philips |
2 August, 2018 |
The Enemy In-Between: Ambivalence, Hostility, and Joint Enterprise |
Dr Henrique Carvalho, University of Warwick |
Henrique Carvalho |
25 June, 2018 |
Public trust and police legitimacy: Diversity and complexity in the 'global city' |
Prof. Ben Bradford, University College London |
Ben Bradford |
15 June, 2018 |
Roger Hood Lecture: Portals to Politics: Grassroots Narratives of Policing in the 'Low End', Downtown Baltimore, South L.A., and the 53206 |
Vesla M. Weaver: Bloomberg Distinguished Associate Professor of Political Science and Sociology. |
Vesla Weaver |
12 June, 2018 |
The Trump Administration and International Law: Will It Get Better or Worse? |
The talk will review the Trump administration’s record in international and national security law over the last 18 months, and will address challenges ahead, including the administration’s counter-terrorism policies and approach to international agreement |
John Bellinger III |
12 June, 2018 |
Advancing the Rule of Law as part of the International Landscape |
The 21st century has seen significant progress and recent regression in terms of entrenchment of the rule of law. These developments have occurred not only in the domestic context but also within the international sphere. |
Kimberly Prost |
22 May, 2018 |
Successes and Challenges in the Fight against Impunity |
Marking the 20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Twenty years after the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the ICC is thought to be in crisis. |
Olympia Bekou |
27 April, 2018 |
In Search of a Better World: A Human Rights Odyssey |
Professor Akhavan will speak about his recent book In Search of a Better World: A Human Rights Odyssey, the 2017 CBC Massey Lectures which became the best-selling non-fiction book in Canada. |
Payam Akhavan |
9 March, 2018 |
Draft Principles on Shared Responsibility |
A presentation of the new principles of shared responsibility in international law |
Ilias Plakokefalos, Jean D'Aspremont |
6 March, 2018 |
Arbitral Authority to Address Corruption - Part B |
Arbitrators have many powers – express, implied, and those inherent in the very process of arbitration. Disputes that involve corruption put into question the breadth of those powers. |
Andrea Bjorklund |
28 February, 2018 |
Arbitral Authority to Address Corruption - Part A |
Arbitrators have many powers – express, implied, and those inherent in the very process of arbitration. Disputes that involve corruption put into question the breadth of those powers. |
Andrea Bjorklund |
28 February, 2018 |
Interaction between Hard Law and Soft Law in United Nations Law-Making |
From a law-making perspective 'soft-law' is simply a convenient description for a variety of non-binding, normatively worded instruments used in contemporary international relations by states and international organisations. |
Alan Boyle |
28 February, 2018 |
The International Law Commission as an Interpreter of International Law |
The International Law Commission is a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly entrusted with the progressive development of international law and its codification. |
Danai Azaria |
6 February, 2018 |
Seeing and Seeing-as: Building a politics of visibility in criminology |
All Souls Seminar: 1st February 2018. |
Sarah Armstrong |
6 February, 2018 |