Nidhi (treasure) in the Jayadrathayāmala, a 10th century tantric compendium from Kashmir (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Olga Serbaeva describes how the Jayadrathayāmala envisaged magically discovered nidhi (treasure) as an integral part of its soteriological program. |
Olga Serbaeva, Robert Mayer |
4 March, 2025 |
Treasure and archaeology: reflections on the Begram hoard and the interpretation of deposits of valuable objects (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Lauren Morris examines archaeologically discovered hoards: how does one tell if their concealment was pragmatic, or ritual? And can one always even make such distinctions? |
Lauren Morris, Robert Mayer |
11 February, 2025 |
Do they think money grows on trees? Yakṣas, nāgās and nidhis (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
John Guy looks at the embracing presence of gods of place in early Buddhist art. |
John Guy |
19 December, 2024 |
Deep Histories: the ground-waters of serpentine treasure guardians (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Veronica Strang explores the role of serpentine water beings as guardians of treasures. |
Veronica Strang |
29 November, 2024 |
Asian Territorial Deity Cosmologies as Vehicles for the Transmission of Buddhadharma (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Robert Mayer's analysis of Guru Chowang's enduring connection between territorial deity cosmologies and the preservation of hidden teachings in Tibetan Buddhism |
Robert Mayer |
5 July, 2024 |
Nāgas and relic treasures in the Mahāvaṃsa (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Kristin Scheible uncovers the hidden role of nāgas in defining Buddhist treasures and explores their surprising significance in safeguarding sacred relics through early texts |
Kristin Scheible |
5 July, 2024 |
The Successive Avatars of the Heart Essence of the Ḍākinī: Termas as Continuous Revelation (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Team presentation on the project "For a Critical History of the Northern Treasures" (FCHNT) |
For a Critical History of the Northern Treasures (FCHNT) |
13 June, 2024 |
Concealed Prosperity: Why People and Territorial Deities Need Treasures (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
This talk explores the intricate cosmology of territorial deities in Tibet and related concepts of land, prosperity, and fecundity, as well as sociality and socio-political organisation |
Anna Sehnalova |
13 June, 2024 |
Unseen Beings and Tibetan Eco-Daemonology |
Erik Jampa Andersson's presentation delves into the intricate world of Tibetan eco-daemonology and advocates for a deeper understanding of Traditional Ecological Knowledge |
Erik Jampa Andersson |
24 November, 2023 |
Recalibrating the Perspective on Tibetan and Himalayan History: Identity- and Nation-Building in Bhutan |
In this talk, Dr. Dagmar Schwerk presents the work-in-progress of her current research project, an investigation into identity- and nation-building in eighteenth-century Bhutan |
Dagmar Schwerk |
13 November, 2023 |
‘Treasures’ (gter ma) and treasure-finders in Yungdrung Bön: a Tibetan tradition spanning a thousand years (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
This talk presents an outline of the Yungdrung Bön ’Treasure’ tradition |
Per Kværne |
9 August, 2023 |
Yoginīs, Revelation, and Hidden Knowledge in Tantric Śaivism (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
This presentation examines Śākta transformations of conceptions of revelation and the transmission of esoteric knowledge in Mantramārga Śaivism |
Shaman Hatley |
12 July, 2023 |
Nectar, Water, or Blood? A Buddhist History of Perceptual Relativism |
In this talk, Jacob Fisher presents his research on a history of the Buddhist discussions surrounding perceptual relativism, in India and Tibet |
Jacob Fisher |
12 July, 2023 |
A Chorus of Voices Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po’s Commentary on the Nāmasaṅgīti, and Its Indian Sources |
Nicola Bajetta takes us through Rongzom Chökyi Zangpo's commentary on the Nāmasaṅgīti, a hymn of praise dedicated to Mañjuśrī |
Nicola Bajetta |
12 July, 2023 |
Sūtra in Early Buddhist Treasure Texts (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Reinier Langelaar’s talk on early Tibetan treasure literature’s influences, inspirations, and narrative themes |
Reinier Langelaar |
15 May, 2023 |
Early Teachings on the Four Phurpas and the Relationship between the Revelatory and Transmitted Textual Tradition (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Early teachings on the Four Phurpas in the light of the Eightfold Buddha Word, Embodying the Sugatas (bka' brgyad bde gshegs 'dus pa) revelation of Myang ral Nyi ma 'od zer (1124-1192), and the relationship between the Revelatory (gter ma) and Transmitted |
Cathy Cantwell |
21 April, 2023 |
Exploring relationships between theory of practice and practice by looking at the Abhisamayālaṃkāra in Gelukpa scholasticism |
Chandra Ehm's investigation into the foundations of the Geluk monastic curriculum |
Chandra Ehm |
17 March, 2023 |
The Transformation of Nyingma Identity: Some Key Developments in Contemporary Nyingma Monastic Education |
Nicholas Hobhouse on Developments in Contemporary Nyingma Monastic Education |
Nicholas Hobhouse |
17 March, 2023 |
Forms of Buddhist treasures (re)discovered in Kalmykia (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Valeriya Gazizova's talk on several cases of ‘treasure’ concealment and discoveries in the Buddhist society of postsocialist Kalmykia |
Valeriya Gazizova |
1 March, 2023 |
Exploring Rendawa’s Madhyamaka Legacy |
Drukgyel Tsering's talk on Rendawa Shonu Lodro (1349–1412), the famed teacher of Lama Tsongkhapa and important progenitor of Madhyamaka philosophy in Tibet |
Drukgyal Tsering |
28 February, 2023 |
The Rgyud sde spyi rnam ascribed to Rin chen bzang po (958–1055) and its authoritative sources |
Sonam Choden discusses Lo tsā ba Rin chen bzang po's composition of his "General Presentation of the Tantric Systems" and its authoritative sources |
Sonam Choden |
28 February, 2023 |
How Tibetans Received and Perceived the Yuan Edicts: Some Preliminary Observations |
This lecture highlights Tibetan responses to the Mongol imperial bureaucratic practices during the 14th century |
Penghao Sun, Trawang |
15 February, 2023 |
Theorizing Buddhist Revelation in the Great Lamp of the Dharma Dhāraṇī Scripture (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
The Great Lamp of the Dharma Dhāraṇī Scripture and its theory on scriptual revelation in the Mahāyāna tradition. |
Ryan Overbey |
14 February, 2023 |
A typology of modes of revelations in Chinese religious history (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Vincent Goossaert's talk on the ritual production of revelation in Chinese religious history |
Vincent Goossaert |
14 February, 2023 |
Towards a textual discourse analysis of Longchenpa’s writings on Buddha nature |
Gregory Forgues presents his research on Longchenpa's writings on Buddha nature |
Gregory Forgues |
10 February, 2023 |
Variants of the Rudra Subjugation Myth: Contrasting Themes in the Legends of Mahākāla and Vajrabhairava |
Cameron Bailey's talk on wrathful deities and their myths |
Cameron Bailey |
11 January, 2023 |
The Rise of Guru Yoga in Twelfth-Century Tibet |
Zim Pickens looks at the origins of guru or lama worship in Tibet, introducing us to the Indian antecedents and the Tibetan emphasis on the role and status of the lama. |
Zim Pickens |
9 November, 2022 |
Treasure Hunting in the Philippine Islands (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Where to Look for the Missing Plunder of Pirates, Ghosts, Rebels, Fairies, Colonisers, and Dictators |
Piers Kelly |
3 November, 2022 |
Treasure Traditions in Greece (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
Charles Stewart's surveys the diversity of treasure traditions in Greece |
Charles Stewart |
3 November, 2022 |
'Tibetanness' in Dharamsala - how does the youngest generation of artists define their identity? |
Paulina Koniuch introduces us to the latest Tibetan art trends in social media and how Tibetan identities are negotiated |
Paulina Koniuch |
28 October, 2022 |
Displacement: Tibetan Buddhist Contributions to the International Humanitarian Field |
Dr Kilby's talk explores Tibetan Buddhist perspectives on displacement that can inform the international humanitarian response to the displacement crisis |
Christina Kilby |
20 October, 2022 |
Dharmabhāṇakas, Siddhas, Avatārakasiddhas, and gTer stons (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
This lecture offers a new look at the origins of Gter ma literature in an intertextual framework. |
Robert Mayer |
8 June, 2022 |
Early Explanations for the Appearance of Mahāyāna sūtras (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
A presentation looking at how early Mahayana sutras explain where they came from. |
David Drewes |
8 June, 2022 |
Revelation and Rediscovery: Early Medieval Indian Origin Myths of the Tantras (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
David Gray talks about revelatory or "treasure" texts from Indian and Tibetan perspectives in a comparative framework. |
David Gray |
6 May, 2022 |
Perfected Beings in Human Form: The Siddha Tradition in Śaiva Tantra (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
John Nemec's talk on the origin of siddha and its polysemic application in Sanskrit textual sources. |
John Nemec |
6 May, 2022 |
The Dharmabhāṇaka’s Body and the Ontologization of Authority (Oxford Treasure Seminar Series) |
This talk by Natalie Gummer explores the role of Dharmabhāṇaka – those who recite the Dharma – in Mahāyāna Sutras |
Natalie Gummer |
15 March, 2022 |
Medicine Mountains along the Himalayas: Healing, Trade, and Ecology |
The Greater Himalayas extend through many different kinds of community. This lecture considers several ‘medicine mountains’, particular mountains that fold society and ecology together, and explores them as a comparative category |
Will Tuladhar-Douglas |
25 May, 2021 |
Why Go on Pilgrimage? Geomancy and the Transformational Powers of Sacred Places in Tibetan Buddhism and Bon |
This presentation considers the association between pilgrimage and healing in Tibet through an exploration of the process whereby natural sites are imbued with meaning |
Charles Ramble |
25 May, 2021 |
Reading khrims Between the Lines: The Rise of Legality in 13th Century Central Tibet |
Daniel introduces us to the term khrims and looks at the “rise of legality” in 13th century Central Tibet. |
Daniel Wojahn |
25 May, 2021 |
Virūpa is Virūpākṣa: Towards an Indo-Tibetan Siddha Corpus |
Westin Harris opens the dialogue between Tibetan, Nāth and Yoga studies centred around the figure of Virūpa |
Westin Lee Harris |
12 May, 2021 |
Buddhism and Gender Perspectives in Sikkim: Historical and Contemporary Approaches |
The talk explores the historical and contemporary influence of women in Sikkim from a Buddhist perspective |
Marlene Erschbamer |
10 May, 2021 |
Connections in the Making and Meaning of the Art of Bhutan and Tibet in the 17 th and 18 th Centuries: A Study of the Wall Paintings at Tango Monastery |
Pu Lan discusses her PhD project, which explores the 17th-century Monastery of Tango and how it illustrates the development of wall painting technology in Bhutan |
Pu Lan |
31 March, 2021 |
The Geluk Domestication of Tantra |
Brenton Sullivan presents his new book "Building a Religious Empire: Tibetan Buddhism, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Gelukpa" and discuss the third chapter, "Institutionalizing Tantra", in more detail |
Brenton Sullivan |
31 March, 2021 |
The Mongolian Kanjur - Should Tibetologists Care? |
Kirill Alekseev presents his latest research on the Mongolian Kanjur and its ramifications in Tibetan Studies |
Kirill Alekseev |
16 March, 2021 |
Layers of Protection: Everyday Life with Empowered Objects |
In her talk, Inger Vasstveit discusses “empowered objects” - small Buddhist objects that people wear on their person - in relation to the broader socio-political and cosmological environment in India |
Inger Vasstveit |
2 March, 2021 |
Death by Poisoning: Cautionary Narratives and Inter-Ethnic Accusations in Contemporary Sikkim |
Kikee Bhutia talks about the contemporary discourses around ‘othering’ in Sikkim and analyse the region’s inter-ethnic challenges |
Kikee Bhutia |
4 February, 2021 |
Fervent admiration and devotion: Exploring devotional literature in the collected works of the 3rd Dodrupchen |
Renée Ford's introduction to the devotional literature in the collected works of the 3rd Dodrupchen composed in admiration of his late teacher Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. |
Renée Ford |
2 February, 2021 |
The Role of Prophecies in the Construction of the Geluk Tradition |
In this talk, Michael Ium explores the role of prophecies in the legitimation and construction of the Geluk tradition. |
Michael Ium |
3 December, 2020 |
Liu pin fo lou (Building of Six Classes of Sutra and Tantra), the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon in the Forbidden City |
Ziyi Shao takes us to the reign of the Qianlong Emperor and will show us around the Fan hua lou (Hall of Buddhist Efflorescence), one of the most complex and prominent Buddhist monuments in the Forbidden city |
Ziyi Shao |
26 November, 2020 |
Culture of Emotions: Uses and Interpretations of Musical Heritage in the Tibetan Refugee Community of Dharamsala |
Chloé Lukasiewicz talk on the significance of music in the Tibetan refugee community in Dharamsala, India |
Chloé Lukasiewicz |
19 November, 2020 |
Buddhism and the Rise of ‘the Tibetans’ (bod pa): Religion, Myth and the Promotion of Ethnicity in the Pre-modern Period |
Apropos 'the Tibetans': Reinier Langelaar's talk focuses on the mythical origins and the promotion of ethnicity in historical Tibet |
Reinier Langelaar |
5 November, 2020 |
Human Remains in Tibetan Material Religion: An object centered approach |
Ayesha Fuentes shares a unique and interdisciplinary insight into art conservation of human remains in Tibetan material religion |
Ayesha Fuentes |
29 October, 2020 |
Sacred Trash, Trash Talks, And Personhood |
Bo Wang discussing the practice of depositing garments as offerings to sacred mountains in Eastern Tibet |
Bo Wang |
29 October, 2020 |
The First Tibetan Block Print: The Khara-Khoto Collection of Precious Dhāraṇīs with the Emperor's Postscript |
Alla Sizova discusses the role of translation activities in the spread of Buddhism in the 12th century and outlines the extent of Tibetan influence on the Tangut culture. |
Alla A. Sizova |
15 October, 2020 |
Fictional Facts or Factual Fiction? The Social Reality behind Kha stag ʼDzam yag’s "Diary" and Lhag pa Don grub’s "Life of a mule driver" |
Fictional Facts or Factual Fiction? Lucia Galli's talk on self-representation and the social reality behind two Tibetan memoirs |
Lucia Galli |
4 June, 2020 |
The Nechung Oracle and the Construction of Identity in the Tibetan Diaspora |
The Oracle in Exile: Pema Choedon's talk on the Nechung Oracle and identity construction in the Tibetan Diaspora |
Pema Choedon |
28 May, 2020 |
The Mortality of the Dalai Lama and its Scriptural Sources: A Study in Tibetan Buddhist Political Theology |
I am currently focusing on the problem of the Dalai Lama’s mortality that is, the question of how to come to terms with his suffering and death, in light of the association between Tibetan kingship and the deity Avalokiteśvara. |
Ian MacCormack |
21 May, 2020 |
Preliminary Practices: Bloody Knees, Calloused Palms and the Transformative Nature of Women’s Labor |
The Preliminary Practices not only initiate practitioners into a specific tradition, but also more fundamentally, into Vajrayana Buddhism as it is practiced in contemporary Tibet. |
Kati Fitzgerald |
14 May, 2020 |
Writing about the Nechung Oracle |
Christopher Bell's talk about oracles, protector deities, and other mysteries |
Christopher Bell |
7 May, 2020 |
The sku bla of the Tibetan emperors and its metamorphosis in Yungdrung Bön |
In the late 12th century Yungdrung Bön text Grags pa gling grags a deity that has a special relationship to the Tibetan ruler plays a prominent part in the narrative of the Tibetan kings. |
Per Kværne |
30 April, 2020 |